UFOOD - Privacy Policy

The Application collects certain Personal Data of Users.

Personal Data is processed for the following purposes and through the following services:


Analytics data collected directly
Personal Data: Data on the use of network resources; Trackers


Location-based interactions

Personal data: geographic coordinates


Spam and bot protection

Google reCAPTCHA
Personal data: Network usage data; mouse movements; clicks; responses to questions; scroll position; touch events; motion sensor events; keystroke events; Trackers


Platform usage and hosting services

Personal Data: email address; website; geographic coordinates; city; Network Usage Data; name; username; company name; password; various categories of Data specified in the service's privacy policy; country; Trackers; last name; photo


Comments on content material

The system of publishing comments, which is managed directly
Personal data: e-mail address; first name; last name


Monitoring of infrastructure performance

Personal Data: the various categories of Data specified in the service's personal data privacy policy


Activity Data Processing

Activity data tracked by your device
Personal Data: general activity data


Payment Processing

Ucraft Payments and Cash on Delivery


Displaying content from external platforms

Google Fonts
Personal data: Data about the use of online resources; Trackers


Transfer of Data outside the United Kingdom

Transfer of Data abroad based on standard contractual terms (United Kingdom)
Personal Data: different categories of Data


Registration and authentication is carried out directly by the App

Direct registration
Personal data: e-mail address; first name; country; surname


Establishing contact with the User

Feedback form
Personal data: e-mail address; first name; various categories of Data; country; last name

Mailing list or newsletter
Personal data: name; province; country; surname



Additional information on the processing of Personal Data


Analysis and predictions based on User Data ("profiling")
The Owner may use the Personal Data and Usage Data that it has collected by using the Application to create or update User profiles. This type of Data processing allows the Owner to evaluate the choices, preferences and behaviors of Users for the purposes outlined in the relevant section of this document.
User profiles may also be created using automated tools such as algorithms, which may also be provided by third parties. Additional information about the profiling carried out by Users can be found in the relevant sections of this document.
The User has the right to object to such profiling at any time. For further information on the User's rights and how to exercise them, the User is invited to consult the section of this document that sets out the User's rights.


Equal protection of User Data
The Application provides access to User Data only to third parties carefully selected to ensure on their part the same or equal protection of User Data as set forth in this Privacy Policy and as required by applicable data protection laws. More information about third party data processing and privacy practices can be found in their respective privacy policies.


LocalStorage allows the Application to store and access data directly in the User's browser without expiration date limitation.


Personal Data collected through sources other than the User
The Owner who owns the Application may have lawfully collected Personal Data relating to Users without their knowledge through reuse, or by obtaining it from third parties on the grounds mentioned in the section that sets out the legal basis for processing.
Where the Owner has collected Personal Data in this way, Users can find specific information about the source in the relevant sections of this document or by contacting the Owner.


Cookies in relation to preferences
Preference cookies store User preferences detected in the Application in the local domain, such as, for example, their time zone and region.


Rights of registered California Users under 18 years of age
California Online Eras Law.